Christina & Nick’s wedding

in Altamont, NY!

I am so grateful that I get to work with a lot of amazing couples, so it’s hard to use superlatives without thinking twice when I blog. That said, if there ever was a photo-friendly wedding, this was it. There was this terrific vibe all day of just letting it be, but at the same time the details were so well thought out. I think my favorite detail was the groomsmen’s take on the boutonniere. So original and awesome. Of course, the Appel Inn is a rustic delight, but what drove the feel was every single person who came. The entire day was simply devoid of pretense, and it was super refreshing. It is likely how long I’ve known Christina and her family that deserves some credit for how smoothly I felt the day went as well. I put a little bonus pic near the bottom for you, Christina! 😀 couldn’t help it (and a special thanks to my mom for digging it up, she is the original photographer in the family). No doubt some sentimentality was at fault for making this probably the longest post I’ve ever made… but I’m sure I won’t hear any complaints! All the best to you and Nick, grab a beer and enjoy these for a while. Thank you for having me, it was truly a pleasure.

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stryjek tygert wedding

Michele LaPorta Freeman - October 13, 2014 - 2:01 pm

Omg Danny you did an amazing job. I was crying as I viewed the pictures. You truly captured the beautiful and special day for Christina and Nick. You truly have a special talent. Love Mrs Freeman

Paul Stryjek - October 13, 2014 - 2:27 pm

Exceptional work Dan….I believe the vibe you felt throughout the day was the special love of a mother who could not be present yet made her presence very well known….capturing moments in time is a gift…

Mary Martini Faith - October 13, 2014 - 3:35 pm


Kate Sinnott - October 13, 2014 - 4:08 pm

Beautiful shots Dan. Congratulations Christina! So happy for you!

Sarah Mattice - October 13, 2014 - 4:09 pm

Absolutely stunning!!

Annie Lee - October 13, 2014 - 4:19 pm

Wow!!! They are beautiful!!!!!!

June Giambrone - October 13, 2014 - 5:06 pm

This feels like a movie the way a happily ever after should be! Breath taking…so glad you shared these.

Brandy Dozer Tygert - November 4, 2014 - 3:19 am

Love the way you captured this day! The photos are beautiful and I love the addition of the flashback of you and Chris.

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